Saturday, May 23, 2009

Child with OCD - End result

It took about 3 months but we had a big turn around. Not sure exactly why or how but here were the steps we took in the 3 months:
  1. Child Psychiatrist we moved the session up to 2 twice a week (worked more on dealing with the Germ freak issue and dealing with her little sister).
  2. I got this book called "Helping Your Child with OCD". From this book, there was one part that made sense to our situation. I made up a contract with my daughter for certain things we needed her to stop doing. There was weekly prizes and a big prize at the end if she were to do all these things (don't be too strict on the rules at first). Both needed to agree and sign it.
  3. Worked with the teacher and if she acted up in school I needed to know. She was doing a lot of strang things at school and the kids we thinking that she were weird. Also, there was one comment at the beginning I didn't like from the teacher that she was a loner.
  4. Communicate (biggest thing that a parent can do)- talk daily on how things went at school and what was bother her. Help tread through the issues by asking many questions as they don't want to reveal everything or try to hid it. Personally, I did not hold back my comments. If she did something at school that made her look weird or dumb. I would tell her straight up that the other kids think she is weird, told her why and what happens if she continues to do it (this took about an hour daily).


I can say she is 90 percent better. Here and there it may come out a little here or she woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but it is way better now. The psychiatrist said this is something she will need to deal with the rest of her life and there are stages in her life it may ramp up so always be on the lookout. Teenager is the next stage which is coming soon.

Important side note: We did not use any medication. We were against it.

My child with OCD

I have a daughter with OCD. We kind of ignored it until it got really bad. What had happened one year, we had moved the kids to a new school. I guess anxiety and making new friends had new school had taken its toll. We had always knew that our daughter was kind of a clean freak but the story I am about to tell you becomes scary if you don’t action it right away.

Let me begin what started to happen:

  1. First, our daughter kept her distance from her sister. Always sat away or moved when her sister was around. What was happening we found out later, she looked at her sister as a germ. If she cough or had the sniffles she would freak out.
  2. Second sign, she was always washing her had constantly. Then she discovered the hand sanitizer and started using it. Her hand started to get all chappy and dry. Even our Scope (mouth wash would start to disappear at a fast pace.
  3. Thirdly, she will be rude and tell people to stop doing certain things as she would get very annoyed. If you moved something of hers she would freak out.
  4. Forth, her teacher called being all concerned at school as she was avoiding everyone. That speaks for itself.

Actions we took:
Well, the first thing we did is to see our family doctor. He then referred us to a child psychiatrist that specializes with child with these problems. We took her once a week for an hour session. So the first month it seemed to get worse. Nothing appeared to get better. We were asked to talk to her daily (my daughter) and work with the teacher.

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